5 suggestions for making the perfect music video clip
I Vetusta Morla, one of the most successful bands in Spain, worked with Enrique Torralbo to create something great, a distinctive and experimental mix of video and text. “Cuarteles de Invierno”, considered the best video clip of 2015 in Spain, was also one of the first interactive video clips. This new format has been called “magasingle”, a completely new imaginary that unites magazines and individuals in a unique and constant experience for consumption on the phone, tablet and PC. The idea was to adapt the audiovisual content to practical interaction, shown on the web in sites like YouTube, via television or on a mobile device.
This gave rise to a completely new generation of video clips for songs, LlĂ©vame muy lejos by Amaral, KitsunĂ©, by Toundra; or Rufus T. Firefly’s new Pompeya audiovisual experiment, to name a few.
We asked Enrique Torralbo to share some suggestions with iMusician for directors and bands who plan to start their own journey in the production of music videos. Yes, creative direction can be a fantastic experience – but only if you follow these 12 suggestions.
1. The video is always at the service of the song – not vice versa
The video clip is a promotional tool and should serve the song or increase its potential in some way. The song should inspire the narration of the music video, not vice versa. The objective of the video is to support the song, bringing it to life through visualization,
2. Take advantage of your creativity
The world of video clips is based on an experience that combines techniques from both the audio and video sectors. This mix guarantees greater freedom and creativity. Keep the first tip in mind as you push the creative boundaries of the video to the limit.
3. Be original
But since they have already done everything possible, stay true to your ideas. Shape your originality and create your own style of shooting.
4. Stay away from fads
Although it may cost you more to find projects or ideas, your ideas will be more solid and work better in the long run. Although it is fashionable to use a drone camera, slow motion and colored powder effects, if these elements do not fit your idea, do not include them. Stay true to your overall style and your ideas. Fashionable or not, if something goes wrong it just doesn’t work.
5. Not everything is suitable for a video clip
This opinion of mine will go against that of many, but, hey, to be a successful music director, you have to go against the common opinion. Although the medium gives space to freedom and creativity, there are still limits. If you end up massing a bunch of techniques that don’t fit together, then the result you’ll get is – forgive French – a shitty video. Deal with reality and use only what makes sense to use.