Ridiculous Tips on Writing Songs That Actually Work
Searching Google for “song writing tips” will produce around 2 million results in 0.42 seconds. They are a bunch of suggestions.
And you know what? This is because writing songs is a personal process.
These suggestions are special ones. Those that put you and your ideas in the foreground. Those that give you some time to concentrate, experiment and make your songs work.
It is about immersing yourself in finding that gold cast in the form of songs.
They could make people close to you ask you if you’re ok. They cause strange behavior.
But they work. Because they put you and your ideas first. “And you’re in pole position …” Here are 10 ridiculous exercises on how to write songs to put your tracks on the right track.
1. Make 5 radio stations play at the same time
You may want to do this when no one else is at home. Or at least keep the volume low. Surely your friends will worry that everything is ok.
Well it really works! It is known that Tom Waits uses this technique during his songwriting process .
Good old Tom turns on a couple of radios and then pays attention to interesting overlays.
You will find interesting progressions and melodies. It’s like you’re sampling with the ear.
T t is pure storm to find inspiration. Since it worked for Tom Waits, it’s definitely worth a try. So turn on all the radios, roll the dice and pay attention to the interesting overlaps.
2. Look out your window for a long, long time
The small room in which I make music has a small window. The view is quite limited: only a small blue rectangle with a cloud, a bird or a passing plane.
Yet I think I learned more about my process from that little blue rectangle than any other guide, tutorial or manual can teach me. It allows me to think clearly.
Only something silent to be able to fix. Like a tropical aquarium , or a beautiful work of art .
In the present day we must actually make an extra effort to stay away from the hyper-fast distractions that are constantly around us (computers, mobile phones, etc.) to be able to find some precious time in silence.
Once obtained, you will be able to enter the best writing mode that exists.
Do you think Brian Wilson wrote “Good Vibrations” while replying to an email, calling an Uber, checking his plays on SoundCloud, or tweeting the weather?
I really know not.
3. Don’t talk for a whole day. Just listen
Make a temporary vow of silence. Your writing will thank you.
A whole day could be a little too much. On the other hand, you MUST talk in order to put down that vocal line of pure genius.
But it is no secret that silence is a good thing for you .
And during all that time in silence all those deep memories and feelings will have a clear path in your mind. You know, all those thoughts that make great songs.
So take a break from chatting and be quiet for a while. Leave the task of talking to your brain, to look for all the inspiration you need.
4. Set yourself an absurd time limit
Guess what’? Rihanna’s “Diamonds” was written by Sia in 14 minutes . He put the beat up and the words came out naturally. It was platinum 5 times only in the United States.
Time is a balance that is difficult to balance. Too much time and you will end up changing your mind every three seconds. Too little and you will never have anything finalized.